March 2017 – Month of Anti-Racism

INAR’s Network Celebrates a Month of Anti-Racism Anti-Racism Month 2017 Every year March is an important month for both Irish and global Anti-Racism Movements due to various international celebrations focusing on combating racism and celebrating diversity taking...

What you can do from Ireland against the Muslim ban.

  On 27th of January Donald Trump signed the executive order called “Protecting the nation from foreign terrorist entry into the United States” commonly known as ‘Muslim ban’. As a result America’s refugees programme has been suspended for four months...

Irish Network Against Racism to host Islamophobia seminar in Limerick

The Irish Network Against Racism (INAR), a national network of anti-racism civil society organisations, are hosting a seminar in Limerick on Wednesday 11th May in the Absolute Hotel, exploring islamophobia in Ireland. The seminar will bring together local and national...

Understanding and Responding to Islamophobia in Ireland Conference

This full day conference is aimed at strengthening understandings of Islamophobia, anti-Muslim racism in Ireland and identifying community based responses for practitioners and communities. The conference brings together community workers, youth workers, educators,...