Bridges Not Walls Dublin protest on the day of Donald Trump's inauguration.

Bridges Not Walls Dublin protest on the day of Donald Trump’s inauguration. Photo credit: Rory

On 27th of January Donald Trump signed the executive order called “Protecting the nation from foreign terrorist entry into the United States” commonly known as ‘Muslim ban’. As a result America’s refugees programme has been suspended for four months and Syrian refugees completely barred from entering the US. Additionally the order denies entering or returning to America, for at least 90 days, to anyone from seven Muslim countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

Here’s what you can do from Ireland  to stand against this outrageous Muslim ban in solidarity with all refugees and our Muslim sisters and brothers:


  • Sign the petition calling for Taoiseach Enda Kenny to boycott the annual St Patrick’s Day visit to meet US president Trump in Washington.


Check our Solidarity with Refugees: 10 Things You Can Do to Help in Ireland blog post for more ideas how you can support refugees in and from Ireland.
Please share to spread the word! We can’t allow this hateful agenda to become the new normal.
Check this page for updates and email if you would like your action listed here.
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