Report racism
Where, why and how to report racism in Ireland and where to find help
Before you report a racist incident
How to report racism
Where to find support
Know your rights: REPORT RACISM
Regardless of your background, you have the right to equal access, not just to services but also to the delivery of these services, free from discrimination, racism or prejudice. This means whether this prejudice or discrimination is based on your nationality, ethnic background, religion, membership of the Traveller community or skin colour, in the workplace and in access to services.
Whether you yourself have experienced racism, witnessed it happening to someone else or come across it online, it is important to take action and report it and make a formal complaint, even in cases where taking a legal route may prove challenging.
If you believe the content or behaviour you are reporting is prohibited in Ireland, please contact relevant authorities listed in Responding to Racism Guide, so they can accurately assess the content or behaviour for possible violations of law.
If you encounter an incident which constitutes a serious crime, or if you believe there is a serious and immediate threat to someone’s life or wellbeing, we strongly encourage you to report these immediately to An Garda Síochána.
We encourage the reporting of ALL types of racist incidents to and relevant bodies and we hope that this guide will make this process easier and clearer for those affected.
Where to report racism
Where to report racism in Ireland
Learn to identify what happened and find a correct path of reporting.
Report racist crime
Find out what is a racist crime, where and how to report it, what are your rights as a victim and how to use existing legislation to address it.
Report racist discrimination
Find out what is discrimination and it’s types, where to report it, how to go about finding redress and how to use existing legislation to address it.
Respond to racism
Learn how to address and respond to racism as an individual, an organisation and as a community, and how you can help those affected.
If you are affected by racism either as a victim or as a witness, you can report all racist incidents it to the Racist Incident Reporting System, INAR’s flagship project, was launched in July 2013. It allows individuals, communities, and organisations to confidentially report racism in Ireland from any online device. Racism reporting centres
Currently, there are over 40 organisations across Ireland acting as Reporting Centres where you can get the following support:
- Receive support with reporting what happened to online system so there is a record of a racist incident.
- Depending on the capacity and expertise of a Reporting Centre, get further advice on where to get redress and how to complain to various bodies.
- Some specialised organisations may provide advocacy service, help filling forms etc.
- Find out how the works and why it’s important to report racism.
WARNING: This video contains explicit language some viewers may find upsetting.