Racism REsearch & data

INAR’s Reports and Submissions

INAR’s Reports on racism in ireland

Alternative Civil Society Report to CERD

Alternative report on Racial discrimination in Ireland: Civil society perspective

INAR’s recent Alternative Report to the UN Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination presenting the perspective of the Civil Society on racism in Ireland. 

iReport Reports of Racism in Ireland

iReport.ie reports of racism in Ireland

Since 2103 INAR produces the iReport.ie Reports of Racism in Ireland, which regularly monitor racism in Ireland.

Afrophobia in Ireland: Racism against people of African descent

INAR’s ‘Afrophobia in Ireland’ is the first of its “thematic” reports using data from the iReport.ie racist incident reporting system. The report analyses racism against people of African descent in Ireland. 

Other INAR reports

Facing Facts: Hate Crime and the Criminal Justice System

Since 2016 INAR has been a partner on the Facing Facts project, where it co-created key resources for developing Police and Prosecution services capacity to respond to hate crime.

It also engaged in an in-depth project examining the Irish Criminal Justice System’s capacity to process and communicate data on hate crime. The PDF version of ‘Connecting on hate crime data in Ireland’ report, authored jointly by INAR’s Director Shane OCurry and hate crime expert Joanna Perry, can be found here.

INAR SUBMISSIONS on racism in ireland


INAR Submission to United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (UNCERD) towards its Follow-Up report on Ireland, in April 2022.

INAR SUBMISSION TO THE Oireachtas Justice Committee  (2021)

INAR Submission to the Oireachtas Justice Committee, providing “Comments on the General Scheme of the Criminal Justice (Hate Crime) Bill” in August 2021.

INAR SUBMISSION TO THE Oireachtas Justice Committee  (2021)

INAR Submission to the Oireachtas Justice Committee, providing “Comments on the Elective Topic: Minorities Engaging with the Justice System” in August 2021.


INAR  submission to the Anti-Racism Committee, making recommendations for the National Action Plan Against Racism, in July 2021.

Universal Periodic Review Ireland
Joint Submission (2021)

Submission by the Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) and Partners (including INAR) for the 39th Session of the UPR Working Group

INAR Network Position on Hate Speech Online (2020)

INAR Submission to Facebook in relation to addressing racism online.

    INAR Submission in response to the Government’s review of 1989 Incitement to Hatred Act (2019)

    INAR Submission to the Department of Justice and Equality in response to the Public Consultation on hate speech and the review of the Prohibition of Incitement to Hatred Act (1989)

      Submission to the commission on the future of policing in ireland (2018)

      INAR has welcomed  the Commission on the Future of Policing in Ireland’s report “The Future of Policing in Ireland”, to which it contributed its own submission, and to the submission of the Irish Council for Civil Liberties, “A Human Rights-Based Approach to Policing in Ireland”.

      In its submission INAR  highlights concerns and makes recommendations for change in An Garda Siochana, notably  in the areas of:

      • Accountability and Oversight
      • Racial Profiling
      • Police Culture
      • Diversity within the Force
      • An Garda Siochana’s engagement with minority communities
      • AGS’s capacity to respond appropriately to hate crimes

      Submission in response to the Government’s UN CERD Report (2018)


      INAR  Submission to the Office for the Promotion of Migrant Integration/ Department of Justice & Equality on the State`s Draft Combined 5th 6th & 7th Report in Response to the Recommendations of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

        Submission to the ECRI NGO Roundtable (2018)


        INAR  Submission to the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) in JUly 2018.

        submission on Integration, Multiculturalism and Combating Racism to the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality (2013)

        Racism occurs at 3 interlocking levels; personal, structural and institutional. INAR and its Membership favour an approach to tackling and monitoring these interlocking levels of racism through a coordinated approach, which is comprehensive,
        systematic and holistic, and uses a wide range of measures and instruments. These measures are set out under the headings: Institutions, Legislation, Policy and Practice, and ought to be coordinated as part of a renewed National Action Plan
        Against Racism.

          DATA collection and monitoring of racism

          iREport.ie racist incident Reporting system 

          iReport.ie Racism Reporting System

          Report racism and learn how INAR monitores racism in Ireland 

          iReport.ie Reports of Racism in Ireland

          Access INAR’s Reports on Racism in Ireland and thematic reports 

          iReport.ie Racism Reporting Centres

          Learn how to become a Reporting Centre and what support they offer 

           international projects 

          Facing Facts Project

          INAR is one of partners in the Facing Facts innovative programme aiming to tackle the issue of hate crime and hate speech in Europe.

          EC Hate Speech Monitoring

          Find out more about the European Commission Illegal Hate Speech Monitoring Project and INAR’s role as a Trusted Partner.


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