Find Help

Learn how to address and respond to racism as an individual, an organisation and as a community and how you can help those affected

Where to REPORT racism and who can help

Report racist incidents to Racist Incident Reporting System

Report racism, learn about Racist Incident Reporting System and how INAR monitores racism in Ireland 

Find a Racist Incident Reporting Centre near you

 There are over 40 organisations acting as iReport Racism Reporting Centres. Find your local Reporting Centre and check what support and services it has on offer. 

Responding to Racism Guide: How to Report Racism and Where to Find Help

The guide is packed with practical information on where/how to report racist crime, discrimination, racism on line and in the media, how to address it and who can help.

Responding to Racism Blog

The Blog, based on the Responding to Racism Guide, is a one-stop-shop online resource on reporting and responding to racism, easily available to anyone affected by racism in Ireland. 


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