Jul 15, 2013
“I am a white South African mother. I went to the Garda station for my first Irish passport application. (Very Proud!). There was a Black Somali family in the queue. The Garda was totally patronizing!!!! When they asked for an official stamp on their documents,...
Jul 10, 2013
Media Release Dublin GAA star Jason Sherlock joined Comedian Tara Flynn and Singer Song Writer Maureen Aku Disu on Moore Street in Dublin yesterday, to launch Ireland’s new racist incident reporting system, iReport.ie, along with representatives from minority groups...
Mar 21, 2012
Catherine reminds us of why the Irish government needs to recognise racist crime in Irish law, as a priority. Lend your voice to the silent majority and tell the government racist crime cannot be tolerated. Sign the online petition below. From violent crime to ethnic...
Jan 23, 2010
Racism is on the Increase in Europe and Ireland is no exception Catherine Lynch (Published in Irish Examiner, January 2010) It is now a year since the National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism (NCCRI) closed its doors for business, as a result of...