INAR’s January-June 2015 Report of Racism in Ireland Published

Overview A total of 148 reports were received in this six month period, representing a consistent level of reporting with previous periods. Click to read full report. Just 30 (31%) of reports in this six-month period concerned racism in the media, or...

INAR’s 4th Quarterly Report of Racism in Ireland Published

This latest Quarterly data report, the fourth since its launch in July 2013, covers the period from April to June 2014 and is testament to’s reliability, showing figures which are remarkably consistent with previous...

Anti-Traveller racism pervasive and deep-rooted

There is conclusive and unambiguous evidence that Irish Travellers continue to be subjected to discrimination – and now is the time for positive change to take place. By Martin Collins Article source: Irish Travellers are a small indigenous...

European Week Against Racism 16-24 March 2013

16-24 MARCH 2013 EUROPEAN WEEK AGAINST RACISM (EWAR) Theme: Make hate crime visible – Report Racism! March 21st, International Day Against Racism March 21st is International Day Against Racism, a day when the people across the globe show their opposition to racism....