Irish Network Against Racism (INAR)

invites you to

Seminar on

Freedom of Religion and Belief:

Implications for Contemporary Ireland

Key note speaker: Professor Malcolm Evans OBE, University of Bristol

Chaired by Anastasia Crickley, NUI Maynooth

The seminar provides a space to explore issues and opportunities arising out of religious diversity and to identify strategies to both accommodate diversity and address discrimination in Ireland

Date:           Tuesday 1st May 2012

Time:          10.30 am – 4.00pm

Where:       Morrison Hotel, Ormond Quay, Dublin 1.

For more info, go to Seminar on Religion (FORB) Info Note

RSVP: Laura Curtin, Tel. 01 8897110 by Thursday 26th April please. 
The Irish Network Against Racism (INAR) is a national network of organisations working collectively to highlight and address racism.  We are the Irish Coordination for the European Network Against Racism, an EU-wide network of over 700 NGOs. 

Irish Network Against Racism (INAR), 55 Parnell Square, Dublin 1.