CERD Concluding observations on the combined fifth to ninth
reports of Ireland:
The CERD Committee findings on Ireland (known as Concluding Observations) have been published today.
The Irish Network Against Racism (INAR) welcomes the CERD Committee observations which strongly reflect recommendations outlined INAR’s recent Alternative Report on Racial Discrimination in Ireland and other Irish Civil Society submissions. Please read the summary of the main recommendations included in the Concluding observations on the combined fifth to ninth reports of Ireland below.
- Durban Convention – Compliant National Action Plan Against Racism (NAPAR);
- Phase-out Direct Provision;
- Incorporate the Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) into Irish law;
- Withdraw reservation on Article 4 of CERD: i.e. curb Hate Speech and take measures against racist and supremacist organisations;
- Collect disaggregated ethnic data to track and combat discrimination;
- Restore the National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism (NCCRI) functions;
- Outlaw racial profiling;
- Take measures to combat hate speech online and offline and in politics;
- Legislate against hate crime;
- Strengthen the capacity of An Garda Síochána to combat hate crime;
- Promote minorities’ participation in public life;
- Recognise the full range of rights of Travellers and Roma and the extent of discrimination they face; take a range of measures to combat this in health, education, accommodation and participation in public life;
- Take real measures to combat discrimination against People of African Descent and celebrate their contributions to Irish society;
- Consult with Civil Society in devising National Action Plans Against Racism;
- Protect migrant and asylum seeker women who are victims of domestic violence;
- Extend Legal Aid service to minorities experiencing discrimination;
- Provide better reunification rights and protections for migrant workers and their families.