Responding to racism guide
‘Responding to Racism Guide’ is a guide for people who have experienced or witnessed racism, and/or those supporting them. The guide is packed with practical information on where and how to report racist crime, discrimination, racism on line and in the media and how to address and respond to it.
About the Responding to Racism Guide
This guide is for YOU IF:
- You have experienced racism,
- You have come across or witnessed racism,
- You wish to provide support to people affected by racism.
‘Responding to racism guide: How to report racism and where to find help’ was launched on the 4th of April 2019 by David Stanton, Minister for Equality, Immigration, and Integration.
‘Responding to Racism Guide’ is designed as a supplement to the system of recording and monitoring racist incidents in Ireland and, as such, it provides information about how and where to report and respond to various racist incidents including:
- racist crime;
- racist discrimination;
- hate speech online and in the media.
It also gives practical, step-by-step information on:
- how to go about finding redress,
- how to use existing legislation to address racism,
- where to find help
- how to support those affected by racism as a bystander and in a community.
Click below to download the guide for FREE by or buy a hard copy below.
Responding to racism guide: Overview
Have a look below what’s inside our Responding to Racism Guide and what issues are covered in each section.
Part I: Understanding racism
- Defining racism.
- Racism as a system of oppression.
- Forms of racism in Ireland.
- The effects of racism.
part II: reporting racism
- All racist incidents: where, how and why to report racism and the overview of the Reporting System.
- Reporting racist crime: defining and reporting racist crime; hate crime and the law; investigation process, victim rights and complaints against police.
- Reporting racist discrimination:
- Defining and reporting discrimination; discrimination and the law;
- Discrimination and racist bullying in the workplace;
- Discrimination in the provision of goods and services (incl.: immigration and Direct Provision, social welfare, housing, health and family, education, youth work services, sport, entertainment, transport).
- Reporting racism in the media and online: racism in the traditional media and advertising; hate speech online and cyberbullying.
part iii: supporting victims of racism

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Price (hard copy):
€5 for INAR Members (plus postage)
€8 for non-Members (plus postage)
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Know your rights: REPORT RACISM
Regardless of your background, you have the right to equal treatment at work, equal access to services and the delivery of these services free from discrimination, racism or prejudice based on your nationality, ethnic background, religion, membership of the Traveller community or skin colour.
Whether you yourself have experienced racism, witnessed it happening to someone else or came across it online, it is important to take action, report it and make a formal complaint, even in cases where taking a legal route may prove challenging.
If you believe the content or behaviour you are reporting is prohibited in Ireland, please contact relevant authorities listed in Responding to Racism Guide, so they can accurately assess the content or behaviour for possible violations of law.
If you encounter an incident which constitutes a serious crime, or if you believe there is a serious and immediate threat to someone’s life or wellbeing, we strongly encourage you to report these immediately to An Garda Síochána.
We encourage the reporting of ALL types of racist incidents to and relevant bodies and we hope that this guide will make this process easier and clearer for you.
If you are affected by racism either as a victim or as a witness, you can report all racist incidents it to the Racist Incident Reporting System, INAR’s flagship project, was launched in July 2013. It allows individuals, communities, and organisations to confidentially report racism in Ireland from any online device.
iReport Reporting Centres
Find the Reporting Centre to report a racist incident and find support