The Peer Action Against Hate (PAAH) is a project that aims to create national and cross-country learning opportunities for policy makers and civil society organisations when it comes to implementing the EU Action Plan Against Racism.
The persistent problems of racism, hate speech and hate crime have been identified and acknowledged at the highest levels of the European Union. The EU Anti-Racism Action Plan 2020- 2025 is an important framework document, which gives a solid basis for efforts across the Union, and many Member States, including the partner countries, are committed to implementing the strategy at the national level.
In this light, the Peer Action Against Hate Project, bringing together both national public authorities and civil society actors from Finland, Croatia and Ireland, will create national and cross-country learning opportunities for policy makers and civil society organisations when it comes to implementing the EU Action Plan Against Racism in the area of victim support to members of minoritised groups. Therefore, it will improve effectiveness of actions to combat racism, discrimination and hate crime. This will mostly be done conducting comparative desktop and interview-based research research on victim support services across Ireland, Croatia and Finland. The role of INAR within this project is to conduct this research on the Irish context.
The findings of the research will inform:
- Development of better, more accessible victim support services
- The development of virtual support tools such as best practice manuals.
- Design of impact assessment tools
- Implementation of platforms for cooperation of different stakeholders
Are you working working in the area of victim support? This can include state services, and non-governmental and community development organisations who offer support to members of minoritised communities who have been victims of crime. This project is intended to learn from your experiences and we would like to hear from you.
IREPORT.IE RACIST INCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM Racist Incident Reporting System, INAR Ireland’s flagship project, was launched in July 2013. It allows the people, communities, and organisations of Ireland to confidentially report racism nationwide.
- National, confidential and user-friendly way to report racism from any online device.
- Enables people who experience or witness racism and/or those supporting them to do something about it and break the silence.
- Used for monitoring racism in Ireland.
- Provides evidence and data on racism in Ireland.
- Counters an increase in racism and a hardening of racist attitudes.
- Helps focus the discussion on finding solutions to racism.