Every year March is an important month for both Irish and global Anti-Racism Movements due to various international celebrations focusing on combating racism and celebrating diversity taking place.
The European Action Week Against Racism 2020 will take place from 16th to 29th March, with the hashtag #United4Humanity, and the theme of “Solidarity”. Additionally, the week following 21st March marks the UN Week of Solidarity with the People Struggling against Racism and Racial Discrimination.
Join March: Anti-Racism Month 2020
Check out what’s happening in your area in the below Events Calendar and join the event near you or organise one yourself.
Use hashtags: #ARM2020 and #TogetherAgainstRacism
NOTE: Please note, that sending only the event poster is not enough. With the number of Members INAR has and events happening over March, we don’t have the capacity to search for details required for each event entry.
If you wish to add your event contact aga@inar.ie with the following details:
Title of the event:
Link (Facebook, website, Eventbrite etc.):
Date, time & location:
Short description:
Due to the current COVID-19 outbreak in Ireland, most of the public events, including those organised by INAR, have been cancelled. Please check directly with the organisers if the event is still on.
Please note that all of INAR’s online actions and events will be going ahead as planned.
ONLINE: Responding to Racism Blog
TIME & LOCATION: 4th March – 31st March, online
LINK: You will be able to see all the articles here
We will kick-off this years’ Anti-Racism Month with launching our new Responding to Racism blog series based on the Responding to Racism Guide: How to Report Racism and Where to Find Help. The articles collected in this blog aim to provide practical information and guidance on how to report and respond to racist incidents in Ireland. Articles range from information on why to report racism and how to do so, to information on where to report racism depending on what actually happened, to bystander intervention techniques, responding to racism in a community and supports available to victims.
The longer-term goal is to develop these articles as a part of the national one-stop-shop online resource on reporting and responding to racism, easily available to anyone affected by racism in Ireland. We hope that the provided information encourages readers to report racism and inspires them to re-think their role in addressing it.
We will be publishing below blogs every week in March between 4th and 31st March as a part of the Anti-Racism Month 2020. Please refer to the date beside the article to find out its release date.
- Wednesday, 4th March: Why and how to report racist incidents.
- Thursday, 12th March: Where to report racism in Ireland.
- Wednesday, 18th March: Responding to racism in a community
- Thursday, 26th March: Witnessing racism – what to do as a bystander
- Tuesday, 31st March: Support services for victims of racism
DUBLIN 2: Countering Racism Online (Members only event)
ORGANISER: INAR & Facebook Ireland
CONTACT: aga@inar.ie
INAR Members-only event. INAR in invites all our Members to the next Network Meeting which will be followed by the Countering Racism Online event in partnership with Facebook Ireland. Members will be able to learn how Facebook addresses racism and hate speech online and ask questions you may have on that topic.
DUBLIN 8: International Women’s Day
ORGANISER: Amal Women’s Association
CONTACT: amal.hope@outlook.ie
Amal Women’s Association invites you to the celebrations of the International Women’s Day.
DONEGAL: Migrant Rights Information Session with MRCI
ORGANISER: Donegal Intercultural Action
CONTACT: caoimhe.bicproject@gmail.com or call 086 8580298, CLICK FOR DETAILS
Information meeting on migrant rights with the Migrant Rights Centre Ireland. Topics discussed will include:
– Visa
– Visa extension
– Challenging deportation
– Undocumented
– Working visa
– Right to reside
– Right to medical services
– Right of children
CONTACT: aga@inar.ie
Following the success of #TogetherAgainstRacism Social Media Action in the previous years, INAR invites its Network Members, Friends, Supporters and Members of the Public to join the 2020 edition, to mark the International Day Against Racism.
Simply take a photo with a hashtag #TogetherAgainstRacism and post it on social media (Facebook/ Twitter/YouTube) to show your opposition to racism, xenophobia, far-right ideologies and to stand in solidarity with those affected. Let’s get #TogetherAgainstRacism hashtag trending in Ireland, make it bigger than the last year and flood social media with this positive message of inclusion, equality and togetherness. Let’s show that racism has no place in Ireland!
ONLINE: The launch of new iReport.ie Reports of Racism in Ireland 2019
CONTACT: aga@inar.ie
To mark the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, INAR will launch the newest iReport.ie data report.
Download the 2019 Reports of Racism in Ireland
MEDIA RELEASE: Racism figures climb in the context of political hate speech
NAVAN, CO MEATH: Anti-Racism Day
CONTACT: info@cultur.ie
DUBLIN 12: Launch of the Celebration of Languages Project
CONTACT: info@thebosco.ie
ORGANISER: Drimnagh Youth Centre
As part of the Drimnagh Seachtain na Gaelige events – to promote the Irish language and also the rich diversity of cultures that make up Ireland of 2020, St John Bosco Youth Centre, in conjunction with other groups, has designed a large banner which will be on display outside its premises opposite the Drimnagh LUAS .
The heading on the banner is “Ní neart go cur le chéile”, (there is no strength without unity) communicating the need for communities to work together as neighbours regardless of the languages we speak. Language should not be a barrier to communication; sharing our languages and cultures makes us stronger.
The main section of the banner is the phrase “Muintir na hÉireann” (People of Ireland) translated into 38 languages spoken by people who attend the centre.
The banner will be visible to the over 30k people who pass the centre on the LUAS.
LAOIS: A Place of Sanctuary and Welcome
CONTACT: For more information and booking call 08797775080 or email karen.mchugh@hotmail.co.uk
ORGANISER: Laois Integration Network
Seminar to mark the International Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Tea/Coffee and Moroccan Themed lunch will be provided
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
CORK: World Anti-Racism Day
CONTACT: corksaysnotoracism@gmail.com, CLICK FOR DETAILS
ORGANISER: Cork Says No To Racism
Cork event marking the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
LEITRIM: Anti-Racism Commemoration
ORGANISER: Leitrim International Community Group – LICG
Leitrim International Community Groups invites you to Anti-Racism Day commemoration. Please arrive by 2pm for group picture. Signatures for Love Not Hate campaign will be collected.
Badges and info on day.
ONLINE: Launch of ‘Understanding Racism’ publication and INAR’s position on racism in Ireland
TIME & LOCATION: 11am online, INAR’s website
ORGANISER: Irish Network Against Racism (INAR)
To mark the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination INAR will launch it’s new ‘Understanding Racism’ publication and resource outlining our definition of racism and position on racism in Ireland.
DUBLIN 2: SAFE HAVEN Launch of Hate Crime Report and Response Project
ORGANISER: Dublin City Interfaith Forum
Through engagement with faith communities, civil society, relevant government and intergovernmental agencies, “Safe Haven” responds to hate motivated incidents using existing online reporting mechanisms and by providing innovative and comprehensive training for community leaders on recognisance acknowledging and responding to racism and religious hatred.
DUBLIN 7: Ireland & CERD – Roundtable event on the Concluding Observations
CONTACT: Susan Comiskey, please email scomiskey@ihrec.ie, with the subject line ‘CERD Roundtable‘, by Wednesday 18th March 2020
The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission would like to invite you to join us for a roundtable discussion on the recent examination of Ireland’s record in eliminating racism and racial discrimination at the UN.
INAR will contribute the Civil Society inputs to the roundtable.
DUBLIN 8:Migration, Mental Health and Resilience: Women’s experiences of migration and seeking asylum
CONTACT: You can register here
ORGANISER: National Women’s Council of Ireland
NWCI with St Patrick’s Mental Health Services invites you to attend the fifth meeting of the Women’s Mental Health Network, a free networking event which will look at migration, mental health and resilience: Women’s experiences of migration and seeking asylum.