INAR’s January-June 2015 Report of Racism in Ireland Published

Overview A total of 148 reports were received in this six month period, representing a consistent level of reporting with previous periods. Click to read full report. Just 30 (31%) of reports in this six-month period concerned racism in the media, or...

INAR’s 4th Quarterly Report of Racism in Ireland Published

This latest Quarterly data report, the fourth since its launch in July 2013, covers the period from April to June 2014 and is testament to’s reliability, showing figures which are remarkably consistent with previous...

Reports of racism flood in in 4 weeks since launch

MEDIA RELEASE 11th August 2013, the new online Racist Incident Recording System, has logged 60 reports detailing racism in less than one month, says anti-racist organisation INAR.  “This is a significantly higher rate than our previous recording system, and...

Why a reporting tool like is so important

“I am a white South African mother. I went to the Garda station for my first Irish passport application. (Very Proud!). There was a Black Somali family in the queue. The Garda was totally patronizing!!!! When they asked for an official stamp on their documents,...

Irish Views on Racism

Before the launch of the INAR crew took to the streets of Dublin to see if people would use a reporting system like We documented people’s views on racism, their experiences of it and how they feel it could be addressed at both civil and...